Trinity Coffee Roasters is a specialty coffee company. Each small batch is roasted by sight and smell, combined with our Cropster software to sure quality control of each roast.

Since 2017, our specialty coffee is hand-delivered to your door in Los Angeles on Wednesday and Friday. Unlike mass-produced coffee, we ethically source seasonal green beans from our network of green buyers & coffee traders. This practice allows our farmers to receive a better price for their crop and produces a sourcing model that rewards hard work, innovation, and financial stability at the farm level. In fact, it’s normal for us to pay 300% over the C-Market price.

Our coffee is only as good as our sourcing model. For this reason, we closely examine how farmers produce their crop—from planting, harvesting, processing, drying the coffee seeds, sorting for quality, and track the type of packing materials they use to export the coffee from their harbor. All of these steps greatly impact our ability to roast and brew excellent coffee, and we love to collaborate and sell our coffee to others who share this belief. 

Our hands-on approach to social sustainability and economic traceability throughout the global coffee-supply chain is great for humanity and the environment! We vet our allies to ensure labor is treated fairly, and it is through agricultural innovation that we pay farmers more for their crop.

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